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dziwna wiadomosc od GM!

Griin - 31-08-2005 16:44
dziwna wiadomosc od GM!
  dzis idac sobie na rooku (szedlem obok Banana Questa zeby go zrobic) nagle wyskoczyl mi napisa na czerwono:

"15:03 GM Craban on Azura: About flaming GMs in public: This is not tolerated. 12 players across the worlds received notations under "falsereport to a GM". This is a final warning to everybody: To complain use the complain function. You don't have it? --> Don't complain!"

moglby ktos mi powiedziec co to znaczy?


Filipyo'vel sisig - 31-08-2005 16:53
15:05 GM Craban on Antica: About flaming GMs in public: This is not tolerated. 12 players across the worlds received notations under "falsereport to a GM". This is a final warning to everybody: To complain use the complain function. You don't have it? --> Don't complain!

chyba mu sie nudzi i po wszystkich servach chodzi :)

Raynold - 31-08-2005 17:01
To znaczy tyle, że jak chcecie narzekać, róbcie to poprzez opcję "complain", a nie zagadując GMa.

Griin - 31-08-2005 17:07
thx modQ :D